Holiday Inn across the street needed some posters designed pronto, to which we happily obliged. They were just coming off of the huge Gem Show and needed some non-Gem Show centric signage. I found several attractive drink photos after digging through our stock photography site for a while, and through the process of design elimination – and Holiday Inn’s green logo – it was a relatively easy choice. Add some attractive typography and coloring and now the eyes go to the drink, the logo, and Cyprus Lounge. FYI, there are still way too many hours to 4pm as of the writing of this post. I shall remain “wound” for the remainder of the work day.
Tag Archives: color
Good at Color[ing hair]
I forget that not all of my life is in front of a computer or with a sketch pad [really] and that there are other designery type things I do. Other than paint choices for home interiors [I really enjoy those], I was also coloring hair for my wife and friends for a bit. I did receive the best complement back from a friend that had just gotten her hair styled before a wedding at a high end shop — the stylist asked where she had her color done as it was fantastic and must have cost quite a bit. Nope, just me in the backyard underneath my huge grapefruit tree under a speckly rain.